Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Need More Coffee…

All bloggers who got their blogs off to a start without acknowledging the fact that it was your first post when it was your first post…... I applaud you!

I’ve tried to tell myself to think of it this way…try being the imperative word… it’s obvious whether I state it or not… it’s like giving birth and then saying I gave birth! Waaay to state the obvious! Who does that?! Well…. Apparently…. me!

Did you also go through this battle of debating with yourself to pick a topic that is in some way a first? I mean like with me it’s that I can’t come out blogging like I’ve been blogging for years. Let me just fast forward and tell you what I’m about to post... It’s about coffee and get this cliché… you know how coffee is something that starts people up… well how absolutely clever (NOT) of me to start my blog off with the thing that starts me off…… I am SUCH a conformist!!

And now here comes another annoying habit turned trademark of mine… Sub titling… Oh how I love thee…But isn’t ‘titling’ (can you believe that’s actually a word though? Titling? But unfortunately it doesn’t mean what I’m implying. It means- http://sb.thefreedictionary.com/?Word=titling&mode=

And now… go back and read the last word before continuing) the best part that you want to do it as many times as possible? Don’t you think that’s what the person who came up with the concept of sub titles had in mind?

And now my much-talked about sub title and blog topic….. (Hold it… I’m not done pointing out another one of my faults--- my mundane introductions. Notice how I always seem to feel the need to introduce the very thing I’m going to talk about next. I’m stuck in a compere routine! And now say it with me now--- How very textbook conformist of me/her! You probably hate me for writing so much in brackets and deviating from the topic but I just can’t help myself. And now… go back and read the last word before continuing)

Boo Me Barista
( Hold it… I get the feeling I’ve exhausted you with my verbal ranting of everything but the blog topic… you can’t seriously expect me to go on now can you? Sob… so with much ado I will hold back my post until you become more appreciative… hah! Now I bet that’s not conformist is it?)