Monday, May 14, 2007

‘A’ is for Aftermath, Awww and Mirrors*

*: Just go with me on the ‘A’ is for Mirrors notion. ‘A’ could be the new ‘M’!

In a shocking turn of events, the ‘Boo Me Barista’ post died before the first word hit the page. There it was one day minding its own business, so psyched about its upcoming postdom and the next day ‘Poofster’! They say… it didn’t go peacefully! They say… the end of posts was near! They say… oh never mind... Who is buying this anyway? Ok… Alright... The real deal is... I killed it! So what?! Don’t judge me! That’ll teach me for planning ahead! Mundane Introductions… See… I knew that was bound to get me into trouble.

“Awww” for Isga adding my blog to his list of cool blogs! And now he’s on my list… not in a tit-for-tat move but rather because I really really believe his post is very very well written!

And finally here’s a psychotic tip for you (There I go again! Very mundane introduction-y of me right?) Mirror therapy. What you do is… walk/march/jog/stride/glide/trot (are you getting the idea?) over to a mirror, sit/stand/perch (aww… you’re lucky I ran out of verbs over there) in front of the mirror and just start talking about whatever you’re feeling and most often crying about. And remember as hard as it is… while you’re doing this… you’re not talking to yourself because you’re crazy or vain (even though looking at and talking to your intelligent self can be quite the treat…sometimes!) or even because no one in their sane frame of mind wants to hear about your problems (in simple terms you’re a loner!) but simply because I told you to! And if that doesn’t work (for reasons I can’t understand besides you being silly!) you can always try to convince yourself that you’re doing it because it might work. Not only do you calm down but you also figure out what you really want to do about the situ because let’s face it even though other people can advice you you’re the one who finally makes the decision to put whatever advice into action. (I can’t believe I just wrote that last part so normally!) Plus for me I just never manage to be able to cry for very long in front of a mirror… maybe it’s just me… or me and my mother (because she did admit to it working for her as a kid as well). The pillow on the other hand is your enemy. Gosh! The amount of hours you can cry into that thing is unbelievable!

But trust me on the (sunscreen! nah...) tip…

1 comment:

Ineshka said...

Agree with you 100% about the Mirror thing, but I can tell you an alternative too... Dogs! Dogs have an added advantage, when you cry and tell them your problem, they look disinterested most of the time, so either you feel like crying even more (cuz no one seems to care) or simply get over it (cuz the dog thinks its utter crap) :)